Join us for wide-ranging chats with outdoor and environmental educators about best practices, changing trends, and new insights about the outdoor learning and enviro. ed. fields. Long-time educators Ian Shanahan and Jade Berrill from the Non-profit Outdoor Learning School & Store facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas. Join the discussion!

Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Fireside Chat: Truth and Reconciliation — where to start?
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
In our first fireside-chat episode, we hear from multiple voices to unpack different aspects of Truth and Reconciliation. The idea here is to invite curiosity, reflection, and discussion. We’ve heard from many folks over the years that they’d like to learn more but aren’t quite sure where to start. We hope that this episode serves as an invitation to get started, no matter what your starting point is.
Resources for Indigenous Learning:
- 4 Seasons of Indigenous Learning (virtual course)
- Indigenous Language Learning (virtual courses)
- Braiding Sweetgrass
- Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults
- Natural Curiosity, 2nd ed.
- Unreconciled
- Heartbeat of the Earth
- Sila and the Land
- Walking Together
- … and many more
Read the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s 94 Calls to Action here.
Related episodes of Earthy Chats:
- Episode 3: Braiding Ktunaxa knowledge into learning
- Episode 6: Reconnecting with the Land through a child’s eyes
- Episode 12: Natural Curiosity through an Indigenous lens
- Episode 14: Awakening to the lessons of the Land

Friday Dec 13, 2024
Learning through a watershed lens
Friday Dec 13, 2024
Friday Dec 13, 2024
Ian and Jade are back for this two-part episode!
In Part 1, the co-hosts begin to unpack the use of watersheds as an integrating context for learning (AKA, watershed education).
In Part 2 starting at the 12:45 mark, we return to an episode of the Talking with Green Teachers podcast from the spring of 2022 wherein Ian and guest David Ramsay discussed these questions:
What is watershed education? Why is it a critical component of place-based learning? How can we engage students of all ages in learning through a watershed lens?
Water is a remarkable storyteller. All we have to do is listen to what it has to tell us.

Friday Feb 16, 2024
Episode 20: Learning in, about, from, and for nature
Friday Feb 16, 2024
Friday Feb 16, 2024
What are some common barriers to learning in nature? How can we shift the paradigm whereby learning about nature is prioritized? What are some key lessons we can learn from nature? How does learning for nature also benefit learners? Here's what else we dove into in this Earthy Chat:
- the purpose of environmental education and education as a whole
- transitioning from “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side”
- escaping the cycle of mediocrity
- getting beyond the “I-don’t-know-enough-about-nature-to-teach-it” mindset
- how we can learn from nature more effectively
- antidotes to perpetual student boredom
- lessons from Anne of Green Gables
- embracing reciprocity as a guiding principle
- how to be a “solutionary”
David DenHartog is the Lead Strategy Consultant for the Green Schools National Network. He has been a classroom teacher, principal, school coach, and educational entrepreneur. Fostering deep learning has been at the core of David's work, both with his own students and in the role of educational coach. Recognizing that collective self-efficacy is the most powerful driver of student success, David strives to help build mindsets that embrace excellence while strengthening relationships. Through his national exposure to the education landscape and his work around the world, David recognizes that deeper learning practices and global competencies such as collaboration, character, citizenship, communication, critical thinking, and creativity form the essence of an excellent, forward-thinking educational environment.
To learn more about Green Schools National Network (GSNN), visit https://greenschoolsnationalnetwork.org/.

Friday Dec 22, 2023
Episode 19: Giving outdoor learners the “experiential edge”
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
How does outdoor education differ from outdoor learning? What is the “experiential edge” for both young people and adults? Why does outdoor learning often diminish or stop with older learners? Here's what else we dove into in this Earthy Chat:
*embedding outdoor learning into the everyday structures of schools
*the distinction between outdoor learning and Land-based learning
*unpacking New Brunswick’s six global competencies and how outdoor learning helps students achieve them
*supporting students with learning differences through outdoor learning
*overcoming barriers to outdoor learning, especially for new educators
*the lack of conflicting research findings about outdoor learning
*conducting outdoor learning with limited resources (and why this is sometimes better)
Nadine Ives has lived in New Brunswick for 28 years. She works for the Conservation Council of New Brunswick as Director of the Learning Outside Project. Nadine enjoyed childhood summers in the Colorado Rockies, tagging along with scientists and students doing field research and attending evening lectures. She followed her interest in biology through school and university, leading to a PhD in hardwood tree ecology. She has been involved in nature education in various forms for over 25 years (from school visits and nature walks, to community engagement, to university teaching). Nadine heads outside to feel grounded, refreshed, and re-energized, and to see what her non-human neighbours are up to.
Tzomi Jazwicki was raised in the Rocky Mountains, moving progressively east in stages before making a home in the Maritimes in 2011. With a diverse background in organic farming, interactive classroom activation, and a love of ecology, Tzomi coordinates the Sustainability Education Alliance as part of the New Brunswick Environmental Network, creating incredible initiatives and events that encourage educating for sustainability. Tzomi graduated from Acadia University with a BA (Hon.) in Sustainability Studies and a double major in History in 2016, and when not in the office, can most likely be found in the garden or the woods — in any weather or season.
Find the featured article Giving our Students the Experiential Edge here.
Learn more about Great Minds Think Outside here.
A Walking Curriculum and A Walking Curriculum for the Early Years are available at the Non-profit Outdoor Learning Store.
*Episode edited by M. Angel Goñi Avila

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Episode 18: From eco-anxiety to eco-action
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
How can we support educator manage their own eco-anxiety and that of their students? What is the process of moving from eco-anxiety to eco-action? Why is it so important to acknowledge, name, and sit with the complex emotions associated with environmental concerns? Here's what else we dove into in this Earthy Chat:
*the need to focus on solutions and not just stop at problems
*age-appropriateness of climate change ed.
*Earth Rangers’ Eco-Anxiety Index
*children’s influence on parents regarding eco-anxiety
*Earth Rangers’ From Eco-Anxiety to Eco-Action course
*equipping adults to discuss environmental issues
*validating young people’s legitimate concerns
Guests from Earth Rangers:
Erin Sperling (OCT) is a white settler on Turtle Island, in Tkaronto. She is a teacher educator in science and environmental education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto, where she earned her PhD in 2020. She has been a Board Member of Earth Rangers since 2018.
Stephanie Doyle, OCT, PhD. is living in Tiohtià:ke on traditional and unceded Kanien’kehá:ka territory. She has over 16 years’ experience in the field of education. Prior to joining Earth Rangers in 2022, she was a teacher educator and researcher at the Higher National Institute of Teaching and Education at the Université de Lorraine in France.
For the pronunciation of Tiohtià:ke and Kanien’kehá:ka: https://pegasus.concordia.ca/Flv_Content/audio/Territorial_Acknowledegment_Pronunciation_Guide.mp3
Tovah Barocas is the President of Earth Rangers. Tovah co-authored a white paper in 2021 on eco-anxiety in kids and outlined a list of compelling recommendations to address this growing issue. A 2022 Clean50 Emerging Leader Award Recipient, Tovah also serves on both the Ontario Parks Board of Directors and Project Learning Tree Canada.
To learn more about Earth Rangers, visit https://www.earthrangers.com/.
*Episode edited by M. Angel Goñi Avila
*Episode recorded in March 2023

Monday Dec 05, 2022
Episode 17: Soil study and inquiry
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
What’s the value of learning about soil? How can educators engage their students in soil studies if they lack expertise? Why do so many people feel happier when they get their hands dirty? Here's what else we dove into in this Earthy Chat:
*the differences between soil and dirt
*using storytelling as a tool to spark curiosity
*the remarkable world of microbes in soil
*Megan’s recent research into barriers to outdoor learning
*the necessity of giving learning experiences time to breathe
*enhancing social and emotional skills through soil study and inquiry
*why interest in soils has increased in recent years
Megan Zeni is a mum, teacher, master gardener, and researcher of everything outdoor play and learning. Her research interests include developing professional learning networks with in-service teachers to bridge emerging theories with teaching practices that include unstructured outdoor play as a pedagogical approach. Megan piloted a rethink of how we deliver prep time in our elementary schools and has been teaching entirely outdoors in her west coast school garden for the past seven years in all weather and seasons. Megan has over 25 years of experience as an educator outdoors, is a PhD candidate in the faculty of education at the University of British Columbia, and shares her learning as a @roomtoplay independent consultant and on her blog at meganzeni.com.
The Soil Study and Inquiry Kit can be found at the Non-profit Outdoor Learning Store.

Monday Aug 29, 2022
Episode 16: Community collaboration in built environments
Monday Aug 29, 2022
Monday Aug 29, 2022
What’s the most impactful length for educational programming? How does community collaboration help us manage challenges? Why is intergenerational learning so effective? Here's what else we dove into in this Earthy Chat:
*the opportunities brought about by virtual learning
*getting back to hands-on, experiential learning with SaskOutdoors
*the benefits of active transportation like the Punch Buggy Express
*indirectly educating others through public programming
*outdoor learning in built environments
*how community collaboration in inherent to outdoor and environmental learning
*outdoor educational experiences at night (in the winter)
Leah Japp lives on a small farm near Bethune, Saskatchewan with her husband and three children. Wootton Farms strives to direct market their healthy, local food while at the same time regenerating the soil and environment. Leah has a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry, a Bachelor of Education, and a Certificate in Ecological Education and is a recently certified Forest School Practitioner. Leah’s latest venture is offering Forest & Nature Schools in Lumsden along with Open View Preschool. For the past 12 years, Leah has been the General Manager of SaskOutdoors. Leah is the General Leader with Hillside 4-H Club and project leader for the Outdoor Living Project. Her family enjoys an active life of camping, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, canoeing, running, climbing snow hills, skating, tobogganing, and swimming.
Claire Miller is the founder of social-purpose business Wildernook Fresh Air Learning and children’s pedal bus initiative, the Punch Buggy Express. She is wired to design and facilitate innovative experiential learning programs and has received awards for Best Nature Business from Saskatoon’s Nature City Festival (2019), and Outstanding School Program from the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication (2019). Favourite roles on her learning journey include facilitating the Certificate in Ecological Education program at the University of Saskatchewan, teaching in the Saskatoon Public Schools’ Ecoquest and Outdoor School programs, and developing the Swale Education Program at Sylvia Fedoruk School. You can find her outdoors facilitating nature experiences and connect with her online on Linkedin and on Facebook and Instagram @wildernook and @punchbuggyexpress.
Nature Magnifier (2x/4x) Habitat Jar viewfinders can be found at the Non-profit Outdoor Learning Store.
*Episode edited by M. Angel Goñi Avila

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Episode 15: Forging nature-based connections
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
What is a ‘nature sommelier’? How are seeing and noticing different? Why is storytelling such a powerful outdoor learning tool? Here's what else we dove into in this Earthy Chat:
*formative moments in Jacob’s childhood as a “wild child” nature explorer
*children’s right to interact with Vitamin N
*the importance of regeneration in addition to sustainability
*the development of The Big Book of Nature Activities
*the magic of “I wonder…” and “it reminds me of…” inquiries
*learning outdoors using all senses
*fostering stewardship and kinship
*the ins and outs of Camp Kawartha
*tuning in to the “wind songs” of trees
Jacob Rodenburg is an award-winning educator, executive director of Camp Kawartha — an also award-winning summer camp and outdoor education center — and instructor in environmental education at Trent University. A 30-year outdoor teacher with a master’s in education, he is known as a ‘nature sommelier’ and has taught more than 100,000 students. Jacob is co-author of The Big Book of Nature Activities and author of The Book of Nature Connection.
The Big Book of Nature Activities and The Book of Nature Connection can be found at the Non-profit Outdoor Learning Store.
*Episode edited by M. Angel Goñi Avila

Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Episode 14: Awakening to the lessons of the land
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
Saturday Jun 25, 2022
How do outdoor learning and various Indigenous teachings overlap? What are some existing inequities in teaching and how can we address them? Why is the land such an effective teacher? Here's what else we dove into in this Earthy Chat:
*exploring (and sometimes talking to) plants
*how Jenna's teaching experience has informed her admin. work
*working with students with diverse abilities
*the wonder of soil and the "wood-wide web"
*inside the Every Child Matters Year-long Learning Challenge
*becoming an ally to Indigenous voices as part of Truth and Reconciliation
*resources for weaving Indigenous perspectives into teaching
Alongside being an Indigenous Advisor to the Outdoor Learning Store, Jenna Jasek is the District Vice Principal of Indigenous Learning and Equity for Rocky Mountain School District No. 6. As an Indigenous person she is learning about her culture and loves learning about traditional teachings and knowledge of nature. She strives to provide students opportunities to explore, learn, and immerse themselves in the outdoors and outdoor education. Jenna has also taken the lead on the Every Child Matters Year-long Learning Challenge for over 100 schools/organizations, and over 1000 people to support them in deepening their understanding of Indigenous knowledge, culture, history, challenges, and perspectives. Jenna was the 2022 recipient of the community literacy award for Windermere valley.
Various Indigenous Learning Resources can be found at the Non-profit Outdoor Learning Store.

Tuesday May 31, 2022
Episode 13: Talking astronomy with ”Astro” Stephenson
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Why teach astronomy? How important is each and every one of us in the universe? Where in popular culture do we see references to space and astronomy? Here's what else we dove into in this Earthy Chat:
*Tim's childhood visit to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida
*the (many) differences between astronomy and astrology
*the magic of seeing Saturn's rings for the first time
*whether or not to fund space exploration
*the value of knowing more about space
*why everyone should just look up and ponder our place in the universe
*Tim's book Beyond the Classroom
Tim "Astro" Stephenson is an experienced classroom teacher who received the 2018 Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence. He is highly skilled in K–12 education, astronomy, writing, and presenting. He holds a Master's degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Portland. He has presented for TEDx, hosts his own podcast (Science 360), runs the youtube channel Science 360 – Beyond the Sky, and wrote the 2021 book Beyond the Classroom.
The Night Sky – A Glow in the Dark Guide can be purchased from the Non-profit Outdoor Learning Store.